Try out React 19 in ESM without build tools I’ve created quite a few React demos on this blog with
React@18 UMD builds ,
because it is quite helpful to quickly try out React without
build tools, following is the code from one of the demos .
< html >
< body >
< script src = "[email protected] /umd/react.production.min.js" ></ script > < script src = "[email protected] /umd/react-dom.production.min.js" ></ script > < script src = "" ></ script >
Babel transforms JSX for us
< style >
{...} .App {
font-family : sans-serif ;
text-align : center ;
.text {
height : 20 px ;
.cells {
width : 100 % ;
display : flex ;
flex-wrap : wrap ;
margin-top : 50 px ;
.cell {
width : 10 px ;
height : 10 px ;
} {
background-color : green ;
.cell.gray {
background-color : #ccc ;
</ style >
< div id = "container" ></ div >
< script type = "text/babel " >
const COLORS = [ "green" , "gray" ];
const useState = React.useState;
function Cell () {
{...} const start = Date. now ();
while (Date. now () - start < 1 ) {}
return < span className = { `cell ${ COLORS [ Math . round ( Math . random ())] }` } />;
function _Cells () {
{...} return (
< div className = "cells" >
{ new Array ( 1000 ). fill ( 0 ). map (( _ , index ) => (
< Cell key = {index} />
</ div >
const Cells = React. memo (_Cells);
function App () {
{...} const [ text , setText ] = useState ( "" );
const deferrredText = React. useDeferredValue (text);
return (
< div className = "app" >
demo forked from{ " " }
< p >
< a href = "" >
</ a >
</ p >
< label >
Enter some text to see that it is responding:
< input
type = "text"
value = {text}
onChange = {( e ) => {
setText (;
</ label >
< p >
below is huge amount of cells trying to slow down your rendering
</ p >
< p >
but they fail to, since they are rendered in transition, low
priority lane
</ p >
< Cells text = {deferrredText} />
< p className = "text" >{text}</ p >
</ div >
const rootElement = document. getElementById ( "container" );
ReactDOM. createRoot (rootElement). render (< App />);
</ script >
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< body >
< script src = "[email protected] /umd/react.production.min.js" ></ script > < script src = "[email protected] /umd/react-dom.production.min.js" ></ script > < script src = "" ></ script >
Babel transforms JSX for us
< style >
{...} .App {
font-family : sans-serif ;
text-align : center ;
.text {
height : 20 px ;
.cells {
width : 100 % ;
display : flex ;
flex-wrap : wrap ;
margin-top : 50 px ;
.cell {
width : 10 px ;
height : 10 px ;
} {
background-color : green ;
.cell.gray {
background-color : #ccc ;
</ style >
< div id = "container" ></ div >
< script type = "text/babel " >
const COLORS = [ "green" , "gray" ];
const useState = React.useState;
function Cell () {
{...} const start = Date. now ();
while (Date. now () - start < 1 ) {}
return < span className = { `cell ${ COLORS [ Math . round ( Math . random ())] }` } />;
function _Cells () {
{...} return (
< div className = "cells" >
{ new Array ( 1000 ). fill ( 0 ). map (( _ , index ) => (
< Cell key = {index} />
</ div >
const Cells = React. memo (_Cells);
function App () {
{...} const [ text , setText ] = useState ( "" );
const deferrredText = React. useDeferredValue (text);
return (
< div className = "app" >
demo forked from{ " " }
< p >
< a href = "" >
</ a >
</ p >
< label >
Enter some text to see that it is responding:
< input
type = "text"
value = {text}
onChange = {( e ) => {
setText (;
</ label >
< p >
below is huge amount of cells trying to slow down your rendering
</ p >
< p >
but they fail to, since they are rendered in transition, low
priority lane
</ p >
< Cells text = {deferrredText} />
< p className = "text" >{text}</ p >
</ div >
const rootElement = document. getElementById ( "container" );
ReactDOM. createRoot (rootElement). render (< App />);
</ script >
</ body >
</ html >
But UMD builds are no longer shipped with React 19 ,
instead we can try out the esm builds provided by
Check out this post if you want to know how CJS build is
transpiled to ESM builds on
Below is a working example of the same demo in ESM builds of React@19, you can also try it out .
< html >
< body >
< style >
{...} .App {
font-family : sans-serif ;
text-align : center ;
.text {
height : 20 px ;
.cells {
width : 100 % ;
display : flex ;
flex-wrap : wrap ;
margin-top : 50 px ;
.cell {
width : 10 px ;
height : 10 px ;
} {
background-color : green ;
.cell.gray {
background-color : #ccc ;
</ style >
< div id = "container" ></ div >
< script src = "" ></ script >
Babel transforms JSX for us
< script type = "text/babel" data-type = "module" >
Don't forget to set the module type
Import from esm builds of React
const COLORS = [ "green" , "gray" ];
const useState = React.useState;
function Cell () {
{...} const start = Date. now ();
while (Date. now () - start < 1 ) {}
return < span className = { `cell ${ COLORS [ Math . round ( Math . random ())] }` } />;
function _Cells () {
{...} return (
< div className = "cells" >
{ new Array ( 1000 ). fill ( 0 ). map (( _ , index ) => (
< Cell key = {index} />
</ div >
const Cells = React. memo (_Cells);
function App () {
{...} const [ text , setText ] = useState ( "" );
const deferrredText = React. useDeferredValue (text);
return (
< div className = "app" >
demo forked from{ " " }
< p >
< a href = "" >
</ a >
</ p >
< label >
Enter some text to see that it is responding:
< input
type = "text"
value = {text}
onChange = {( e ) => {
setText (;
</ label >
< p >
below is huge amount of cells trying to slow down your rendering
</ p >
< p >
but they fail to, since they are rendered in transition, low
priority lane
</ p >
< Cells text = {deferrredText} />
< p className = "text" >{text}</ p >
</ div >
const rootElement = document. getElementById ( "container" );
ReactDOMClient. createRoot (rootElement). render (< App />);
</ script >
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< body >
< style >
{...} .App {
font-family : sans-serif ;
text-align : center ;
.text {
height : 20 px ;
.cells {
width : 100 % ;
display : flex ;
flex-wrap : wrap ;
margin-top : 50 px ;
.cell {
width : 10 px ;
height : 10 px ;
} {
background-color : green ;
.cell.gray {
background-color : #ccc ;
</ style >
< div id = "container" ></ div >
< script src = "" ></ script >
Babel transforms JSX for us
< script type = "text/babel" data-type = "module" >
Don't forget to set the module type
Import from esm builds of React
const COLORS = [ "green" , "gray" ];
const useState = React.useState;
function Cell () {
{...} const start = Date. now ();
while (Date. now () - start < 1 ) {}
return < span className = { `cell ${ COLORS [ Math . round ( Math . random ())] }` } />;
function _Cells () {
{...} return (
< div className = "cells" >
{ new Array ( 1000 ). fill ( 0 ). map (( _ , index ) => (
< Cell key = {index} />
</ div >
const Cells = React. memo (_Cells);
function App () {
{...} const [ text , setText ] = useState ( "" );
const deferrredText = React. useDeferredValue (text);
return (
< div className = "app" >
demo forked from{ " " }
< p >
< a href = "" >
</ a >
</ p >
< label >
Enter some text to see that it is responding:
< input
type = "text"
value = {text}
onChange = {( e ) => {
setText (;
</ label >
< p >
below is huge amount of cells trying to slow down your rendering
</ p >
< p >
but they fail to, since they are rendered in transition, low
priority lane
</ p >
< Cells text = {deferrredText} />
< p className = "text" >{text}</ p >
</ div >
const rootElement = document. getElementById ( "container" );
ReactDOMClient. createRoot (rootElement). render (< App />);
</ script >
</ body >
</ html >
Want to know more about how React works internally?
Check out my series - React Internals Deep Dive !